
Samuel Steiner - VRMandat.com
Samuel Steiner CEO Reuno AG "Boardplacement.com convinces me insofar as I myself, as a representative of Generation Y, receive requests for foundation and board members. This does not seem self-evident to me because of the relatively young ag...

Johannes Ermatinger
Johannes Ermatinger Founder & Partner RBU Unternehmensberatung GmbH "As a man of the first hour, I was able to help lift the innovative VRMandat.com portal out of its cradle. In the meantime, various companies have sought and found me t...

Martin Holenweg - VRMandat.com  Testimonial
Martin Holenweg Partner mahrem GmbH, Wildhaus "I was already surprised when Boardplacement.com / VRMandat.com drew my attention to an interesting board mandate, as I am rather skeptical about the impersonality of an anonymous database on th...

Eliane Frei - VRMandat.com
Eliane Frei Owner Freiraum, MAS Personal- & Organisationsentwicklung I Coach bso "Boardplacement.com / VRMandat.com increases the chances for both the supply and demand sides to find the best possible skills match for board members. In ...

Felix Baur VRMandat.com
Felix Baur  Member of the Executive Board and Chairman of the Board of Directors - Sichtbar Online Marketing AG, Zürich "The online platform Boardplacement.com / VRMandat.com offers a clever and ingeniously structured search mask, with whi...

Dörthe Huscheck - VRMandat.com Testimonial
Dörthe Huscheck Member of VR Finder "The Boardplacement.com / VRMandat.com platform is designed very professionally; SMEs can filter and list their candidates according to industries, experience and attributes in a structured and efficient...