• Rebecca Scheidegger

    Rebecca Scheidegger

    Rebecca Scheidegger Coaching, moderation, training, owner True Succez GmbH "Organizations today must not only harmonize on a personal level. Competence-oriented matching can ensure long-term success and innovation through a targeted selection of profiles. The StiftungsratsMandat.com and VRMandat.ch network provides valuable contacts and...
  • Tina Störmer

    Tina Störmer

    Dr. Tina Störmer Strategic advisor & investor at Konsento AG and Cashare AG and member of the Board of Directors of Aargauische Gebäudeversicherung "VRMandat.com / BoardPlacement.com offers easy access to potential board mandates beyond Family & Friends in an uncomplicated and at the same time very professional way. Within six months, I have...
  • Danny Hübner

    Danny Hübner

    Danny Hübner CEO and member of the board at XELLENZ Advisory AG "The rapidly developing regulation of the economy requires new search possibilities in order to find specialists who can strengthen and supplement the Board of Directors with know-how. While searching for a suitable candidate, a company became aware of my profile on VRMandat.com and...
  • Beat Britsch

    Beat Britsch

    Beat Britsch Managing Partner and Member of the Board, Pfäffikon SZ "VRMandat.com offers an efficient exchange for all interest groups around the topic of advisory and administrative boards. Registration for candidates and companies is easy and completed within minutes. The profile statistics and my own experience show that (family) companies use...
  • Silvan Meierhöfer

    Silvan Meierhöfer

    Silvan Meierhöfer Entrepreneuer, Member of the foundation board "That I would like to be involved in a foundation board or a board of directors has been a wish of mine for some time. However, access was hardly possible without a corresponding network. VRMandat.com / Boardplacement.com has now opened this door for me and within a short time has...

Content of the Database


The gender mix in our database:
